Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Chainsaw

The Chainsaw!

If you live in an area with trees, you need a Chainsaw. It happens year round, high winds, heavy snow, and drenching rain. No matter the cause, a downed tree or it's limbs can cause a lot of damage. They fall on sheds, fences, homes, power lines, and vehicles. They block roads, and clog up streams. 

Are you prepared for storm damage?

Make sure you are prepared for storm damage by having and knowing how to safely use a chainsaw.   Having a tool to quickly deal with problem trees can prove very useful and time saving. 

Clearing problem trees can be back breaking work, but there is a bright side, firewood. Even better, with some forethought and a little effort you might even be able to prevent tree problems from the start. By maintaining your property you can reduce the probability of weak or sick trees from coming down in a storm. 

Once you are confident in your chainsaw skills, you can even turn a buck, or quickly build your firewood pile, by helping neighbors take care of their fallen trees after a storm.

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